In my last post, I wrote about this sweater. It's Debbie Bliss Cotton Cashmere from my stash. I haven't gotten around to sewing the buttons on yet even though I've worn at least three times. If I were to make this again, I would lower the neckline about an 1" to 1 1/2". I learned a lot about knitting pattern composition, like not be scared of the math. I use math everyday in my professional life, so why be scared of it in my knitting life. I'm not terribly happy with this yarn though. It kind of itches; so I don't consider it terribly next to the skin friendly. You would think that a yarn that is primarily cotton would be comfortable next to the skin. It has made me wonder if the cashmere content is really cashmere, perhaps it is mohair? Which would explain the itch factor.

This poor yarn has been three different sweaters--really, two sweaters. I knit the first one a second time because I didn't like the fit. I decided after the second go-round that I really didn't like to sweater on me. So before I even wove in the ends, I unraveled it. It was liberating to do so. I was not going to let the yarn defeat me. Then I found the slouch sweater in Greetings from Knit Cafe and knew that this yarn was going to be happy as a slouchy, casual sweater. When this is on, the fronts curl onto themselves making a spiral, which I like. I like that it is casual without looking like a "mom sweater" or something that is better suited for my daughter.
I recently finished the "Indigo Ripples Skirt" from
IK Spring 2007. I knit it in black cotton so it doesn't photograph so well. I wore it for the first time today and felt very girly--in a good way--in it.

Here is some recent spinning. The green is spun from a roving from Chasing Rainbows colorway "More Teals" 80% merino 20% tussah. I got 330 yards two-ply out of 2 oz. I'll probably knit a lacy scarf. The multi-color is from Nancy Jane Campbell and is 80% cormo 20% soy silk colorway "Floral Suite". I bought this at Lambtown last year. I gave about 1 1/2 oz. of this to my daughter, leaving 2 1/2 oz. for me. I got 576 yards of two-ply. I don't know what I'm going to do with this.