
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today was a sad day in California. The state Supreme Court upheld Prop 8. The initiative process is broken. It's time to call for a Constitutional Congress and rewrite the state Constitution so that the majority cannot terminate the rights of minorities.

Looking at roses cheers me somewhat.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Secret project

One of my secret projects. The yarn is A Verb for Keeping Warm Creating in Supernova. The cute stitch marker is from Girl on the Rocks.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

I've been busy! Working on two new secret sock patterns: one for men, especially for the Men's Knitting Retreats of 2009, and the other I can't talk about at all. I've also been working at my "real" job and at the Verb store.

The men's sock is finished and printed. Michael (aka Wonder Mike) agreed to be the model for the men's sock. The other is written and needs to be test knitted, which Kristine graciously agreed to do. Both use A Verb for Keeping Warm yarn.

Michael and I went down to Bobbin's Nest for Cookie A.'s book signing in mid-April. It was a lot of fun. Some sock knitting got done. I saw old friends and made new ones.

My daughter and I took our Holland Lop bunny, Moon, to the Oakland Animal Shelter to meet a potential new friend. Our beloved Lars died on Christmas Day and Moon has been lonely ever since. Moon participated in bunny speed dating and found a new love. His name is Murray. He is a white and brown English Spot. Of course, I have pictures; I just don't have them on this computer--I know bad blogging.

This morning on my way to work I was struck by inspiration. I have another new sock pattern idea. If it works, I'll be sharing it soon!