This is the sock that Kristine originally saw.

This is the challenge sock. It is called Slipstream.

Both patterns are for sale at A Verb for Keeping Warm's studio in Berkeley. And, until I figure out linking for so you can download the patterns directly, if you would like to purchase a PDF copy, shoot me an e-mail at unravelingmarloweATyahooDOTcom letting me know which pattern you are interested in and I will send you an e-mail telling you how to pay me via Paypal and email you a copy of the pattern.
Woo, you! It's great to hear from you, Marlowe, and what a fabulous couple of sock patterns! So when are you going to Bath???
Hey Marlowe, congrats on a great pattern! I have been admiring them at AVFKW and was so happy to discover that I could purchase the pattern today =)
Do you have sizing information in your patterns? I love this foot style and want to use it on some socks I'm working now, but am befuddled as to how I can adjust for my measurements.
I don't have sizing. However, the purple sock is a woman's 10; the pink/orange is a woman's 7. Both use the same shaping in the arch. One way to adjust is to do the shaping rounds every third round or to do the shaping as knit one round plain; next round as a shaping round; knit 2 rounds plain; the next round as a shaping round and repeat this sequence. I had to play with the placement of the shaping rounds when I first started using this type of shaping in my socks.
I could never imagine californians can do those traditional pattern, especially the bottom. I may need to release my focus about the california
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